A shed of Blood: Act IV

Example 1:

Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good

Second Witch- Act IV, Scene 1

Summary: The second witch says that they will cool the mixture from blood that belongs to a baboon

Comment: In this case, "blood" refers to the blood from a baboon and it is an ingredient in the mixture in which they are making

Example 2:

Pour in sow's blood, that hath eaten 
Her nine farrow; grease that's sweaten 
From the murderer's gibbet throw 
Into the flame.

First Witch- Act IV, Scene 1

Summary: the first witch suggests that they pour in the blood of a pig who has eaten her offspring, or babies.

Comment: In this case, "blood" is an ingredient of the mixture the witches are making and it is from a pig.

Example 3:

Be bloody, bold, and resolute;
laugh to scorn
The power of man, for none of woman born 
Shall harm Macbeth

Second Apparition- Act IV, Scene 1

Summary: the second apparition is talking to Macbeth in this quote and he is telling Macbeth that he shall have a dark side to him and laugh at everybody below him because they will not dare harm him.

Comment: In this case, "blood" is referring to the way the second apparition wants Macbeth to be and that is violent, which is portrayed by the word "bloody"

Example 4:

Horrible sight! Now, I see, 'tis true;
For the blood-bolter'd Banquo smiles upon me,
And points at them for his.
What! is this so?

Macbeth- Act IV- Scene 1

Summary: When Macbeth says this, he is scared because he is seeing the ghost of Banquo

Comment: In this case, "blood" refers to the way Banquo's hair is which is "blood-bolter'd"... In other words, Banquo has such a big mass of blood caught in his hair.